Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Book signing - Survive to Thrive

Phil Geier will be signing his new book at the Four Seasons Restaurant on Monday December 7th from 5pm to 8pm. Golden Seeds members are welcome.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New York Angel Investor Forum

The New York Forum will be held on Thursday October 8th at 11am
750 Lexington Ave (at 59th)
8th floor


Entrepreneurs should submit an application (see Entrepreneur tab on our website). Investors should send an email to our Investor Liaison, at mrc@goldenseeds.com

Thursday, August 27, 2009

September Forum

The September Forum will be held on Thursday September 10th at the offices of Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge at 11am. 750 Lexington Ave.

The Pre Forum training session will be held at 10am. The topic is EXITS.


Investors should contact Mirella Cicio mrc@goldenseeds.com
Entrepreneurs should contact Michelle Young msy@goldenseeds.com

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Members Only - Winter Walk

Friday afternoon Feb 6th 2009

Would you like a wild and windy walk by the sea in the dead of winter?
For hardy souls only!

Leave from Grand Central on the 3.10pm train to Old Greenwich, CT. You will be met at the station and driven to Greenwich Point, where you will enjoy a brisk 40 minute walk by the sea. Back at Old Greenwich station, you can choose to catch a train back to the city at 5.39pm or stay for a drink and/or dinner at MacKenzie's which is right by the station. Trains back into the city leave every half hour. Dress warmly. The trail is both on and off road, and might be icy. Hats, gloves, gaiters and boots are recommended.

Pre-forum Training Session: Investing in the Consumer Goods Sector

The February pre-forum training session in NY is called: "Investing in the Consumer Goods Sector"

It is on Thursday Feb 12th at 10am

By invitation only